IIG is grant assistance, available as gap funding for infrastructure improvements necessary for specific residential or mixed-use infill development projects or areas. Funds are allocated through a competitive process, based on the merits of the individual Infill Projects and Areas. Application selection criteria includes project readiness, affordability, density, access to transit, proximity to amenities, and consistency with regional plans.
Infill Infrastructure Grant Program of 2019: Approximately $50 million in funding still available
On August 31, 2023, HCD announced the release of the Infill Infrastructure Grant Program of 2019 (IIG-2019) Guidelines and the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for approximately $94 million in funds available.
The IIG-2019 Guidelines and the NOFA focus on the Qualifying Infill Projects in Small Jurisdictions for which funding will be allocated through an over-the-counter process to nonprofit or for-profit Developers of Qualifying Infill Projects and Tribal Entities that are the Developers of Qualifying Infill Projects. HCD is currently accepting applications.
Applications are due by November 16, 2023, 4:00 P.M. Pacific Time.
Application materials must be submitted electronically via the Application Portal. The pre-Application consultations will continue to be available for interested Applicants.
The IIG-2019 Guidelines, NOFA, Application, and Pre-Application Consultation forms are available on IIG webpage.​
IIG Round 7 Local Awards *
Habitat for Humanity Calaveras $5,042,400
* These projects are not affiliated with the CSCoC, but we applaud and support our local agencies. These numbers are accurate as of December 2021.